tetiba ja...
ng tpkir...
knapala pompuan perlu period tiap2 bln...
laki xpon...
lg2 bila senggugt...
pretty to say...oh man...sakitnya...
terguling2...ngs sorng2...
dok dkat birai katil...
smbl kesat air mta...
skit 1 bdn....
asa pening..letih...xbmaya...
sumenya ada....
ng fhm kah... penah mgalami sume tu...
skit dan teramat skit...
smpi ngs2 kn...
lg2 bila exam...
lg2...bila kurang period lg...
selembut bicara...
knapala mcm ni...xsukanya...
TP...ingatla kn...stiap y blaku da hikmah...
da kebaikan tu...
"mesti org pkir...nong mesti ok...ska study..."
"xmungkin nong...nong kn pndai..."
tp adakah mereka tahu...
kali nieh exam...
ng asa mcm xkeruan ja...
start ngn migrain...then demam selsema...pastwo miss pms says hi nong...
ngs ng dkat blik sorng2...
bila ng mahu study...bdn ng teramat letih...
keyakinan ng hlang...
hngakn ng tnya pd dri...
are you okay??
sebelum ng merapu ntah ke mana...
biarlah ng berbalij pd topik kn...
ngeee.... searches kelebihan period td...
ada bnyk hikmah juga rupanya....
Your period can slow the aging process. Iron feeds free radicals, which increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer’s. Losing iron via blood can lengthen lifespan – which may be one of the reasons women live longer than men.
Menstruation can offer hints that prevent disease. When women menstruate, the color, odor, and texture of the menstrual blood can provide invaluable information as to the well-being of the woman. Menstrual blood can offer early signs of developing illness and allow for the prevention of disease.
Your period can lead to more satisfaction in the bedroom. During menstruation, testosterone increases and enhances libido, which makes sex better for some women.
Regular periods offer information about your hormones. Regular periods are the best sign of hormone balance – as long as you’re not pregnant, nursing or in menopause.
Your menstrual period improves your mood and appearance. The hormonal recipe that kicks in on or about day three or four triggers a significant improvement in how women feel and look.
Your period reduces bloating. The period follows a drop in progesterone, a hormone that encourages water retention and slows metabolism.
Menstruation is a natural cleanser. The menstrual period is a natural cleansing process, which releases bacteria from inside the reproductive system and helps the body to discharge excess iron, which can help lower the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Your period can release frustration and anger.
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